Monday, January 31, 2011


I hate to admit it, but I am slightly behind on this blog. There are just so many cute cafes and so little time to share them all with you! But do not fear my friends, I have been taking notes so I don't forget anything! However, I decided to wait for a little bit before I wrote about Boho because it is definitely one of my favorite places that I have been to so far and I knew that I wouldn't forget anything about it. 

About a week ago Sam, Frankie, Ellie, Emily and I decided that we needed to go shopping in town (we were on a cute shoe mission). As we were walking down High Street, Boho caught our eyes so we decided to take a coffee break there. The first thing you notice about Boho is the color - its red! The color of this cafe definitely stands out from the rest of the restaurants and stores on the street. As we walk in, we see that the bright colors continue which really gives the place an upbeat atmosphere. Unfortunately because we were a group of 5, we were difficult to seat. There was one table left that could fit 5 people but I was in the waitresses' way to the kitchen so I kind of felt bad. Even with a guilty conscious, I still enjoyed my delicious large cafe latte for 2.40 pounds. Because I am new to lattes without flavoring, I did use 4 packets of brown sugar. Yes, brown sugar! Allison does not do Splenda anymore! And the white sugar is not as delicious as the brown. So next time you're at Starbucks or really an coffee shop, get a cafe latte (no flavoring) and brown sugar - you won't regret it! 

Emily, Frankie, me and Ellie (Sam was
taking the picture) outside of Boho : )
Clearly I didn't know the picture was going to be taken
because I'm just yapping away!
YUM! Look at their menu!
Here is where the magic (aka. coffee) is made!
Me and my latte! I love the clear glass mugs!
I don't know why, but I like seeing the color
(or colour because we're in England) of my coffee!
Next weekend, the gang and I will be heading to Dover (you can see France from there!) so hopefully we'll find a cafe there for me to blog about in case you come to England and stay in Dover and not Canterbury (but that would be silly because the town of Canterbury is too cute!). And then for Reading Week (a study week that we have here at University of Kent that is towards the end of February) we will be visiting a friend of ours from MSU, Colin, in Barcelona, Spain. Also, we have some plans in progress to Prague (Czech Republic), Italy, Ireland, France and Scotland so this coffee blog is about to leave the UK and tackle Europe. 


  1. Have fun in Dover! The cliffs are absolutely amazing and breath taking. I remember when we went we took a taxi to the top and walked down. And I remember being shocked that there aren't any guard rails or anything near the edge of the cliffs, you're just supposed to be smart enough to stay away and not fall off. lol

  2. Allison, so glad you're making plans to travel around Europe and take advantage of this great opportunity. Love your blog! Congrats on your acceptance into Texas A&M. All your hard work is paying off. Best, Aunt Carol

  3. Thank you Aunt Carol! This trip has been absolutely wonderful between all the traveling and getting into grad school! I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple more schools but I'm 99% sure I'm going to go to Texas A&M because that was pretty much my top choice since the beginning of this whole application process. I'm happy your enjoying the blog too! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

  4. I was going to say you spelt colour wrong but you corrected yourself. lol
